Teaming up for world-class B2B Marketing innovation

The Villa Galarati Scotti, our Milanese hub for this year's BBN Academy.

In the photograph: the Villa Galarati Scotti, our Milanese hub for this year’s BBN Academy.

Our team attended the BBN Academy in Milan for the second time.

BBN is the world’s leading B2B agency and network. We at EuroDSP are proud to be a strategic partner of BBN, contributing to enhanced media expertise for B2B audiences all around the world.

But BBN is more than that: it’s a fantastic network of passionate agency professionals and marketers dedicated to the people they work with and for. (We seize this opportunity to thank Ed Davis, Annette Fernandes, Clif Collier… and all the great people of BBN.)

The subject of this year’s Academy in Milan was, as ever, increasing quality of the creative, digital, tech expertise, but also research and data that are injected into the success of B2B clients globally. It was about how to work together throughout industry, field specialization and geography for world-class quality and results.

Speakers ranged from clients to agency leaders to staff, with an impressive array of contributions.But there were also excellent insights and workshops about AI and how we can harness its power not to replace, but to enhance, our services. As one speaker put it: your job won’t be replaced by AI, but by someone using AI. Obviously, we liked it. We’ve been working in this philosophy from the beginning.

BBN has been expanding its reach across several continents, especially Asia, South America and Europe this year, and adding more successful collaborations into its portfolio as it goes. We at EuroDSP love to engage with all the intricate demands of delivering results anywhere.

To us, this was also an opportunity to detail all the possibilities of our own B2B digital media solutions, starting with B2B Programmatic, or how we can combine the best of DSPs with the best of data, B2B digital networks and more.

And of course, we had a great time. Because as one partner agency put it, we’re “mates”!


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Social Ads

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