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Employer Branding done right

“A company is only as good as its employees.”

Everyone knows the saying and for good reason: it’s true. But how do attain good employees? Often, the first step is good employer branding, because only a company that presents itself as competent can attract competent personnel.

Why should you do employer branding?

It solves many problems both outside and inside a company. The following goals can be achieved with a good strategy:

  • Establishment of a positive employer brand
  • Positioning as an attractive employer
  • Display an authentic image as an employer
  • – Setting yourself apart from the competition on the job market
  • Presentation of employee benefits
  • Convincing potential applicants and
  • Employee retention

This also makes it possible to prevail in the “war of talents”. Nowadays, the shortage of skilled workers is a major problem and companies struggle with it regularly. As a consequence of the working world changing in recent years, job seekers are looking for the most suitable companies. You can win this selection process by presenting yourself as the most attractive employer possible. Therefore, employer branding is one of the most effective ways of combating the shortage of skilled workers in a company.

How do you set up a strategy?

First, it is advisable to create a so-called Employer Value Proposition (EVP). In short, this is the value of applicants and employees. This includes answers to matters about how the company is positioned, who the competition is, and important differences from them.

Afterwards a communication plan should be outlined. Your EVP should reach your target audience through corporate word. You should then decide where to start this interaction. Examples of this would be blogs, social media, programmatic advertising, trade fairs, etc. Before implementing this step, however, you should take a close look at your target audience and analyze it in order to address it in the best way possible. The preparatory work is worth it!

And as soon as this is over, it’s time to start creating content! As the saying goes, content is king. Your content strategy should take the following things into account: soon to be covered topics, suitable platforms, and publication period.

The perfect complement: programmatic

However, it could happen that you set up a great strategy but nobody sees it. Programmatic can be an excellent solution. But why?

Branding directed straight to the target group

Reaching the target audience is difficult. With the help of programmatic, you now know a lot about your targeted audience. You have access to data that gives you an excellent insight into your users. Now you can target your advertising to people who meet the optimal criteria. You may still be asking yourself: “Why is this so important? I can just place my ads on job networks.” Well, that’s also a good method. However, then you can’t…

Reach passive candidates

Many people who are ready to change jobs are not actively looking for one. Nevertheless, little hints in their search behavior show and luckily programmatic is good at picking up hints. Reaching these people is worth a lot. Because if you get in touch with them, you can slowly create brand awareness and introduce them to the company. It is important to know that they are not applicants but leads. That’s why you have to do some extra work to turn initial interest into enthusiasm.

Costs easy to lay out

Programmatic advertising is very transparent. At the beginning, you can set a budget for 1,000 impressions to real users. The costs for this are also generally inexpensive, as these can be obtained at the lowest prices. Even if the delivery is rather lackluster, you can always optimize it as you go along. Often strategies for traditional advertising methods are set in stone as soon as you give your go. After all, you can’t change the location of the exhibition stand afterwards.

Employer branding is probably a topic that every company has to deal with. There are many things to consider beforehand, but the more you concentrate on the groundwork, the more successful should it be. Under no circumstances should you ignore passive candidates and only use one channel. A cross-media approach using programmatic is a great way to get the most potential out of your campaign.


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